Our Disney Trips

by Alan WardMay 24, 2020

What can I say, we are a Disney Family!  It was not my plan but when I met my wife and we married I found myself indoctrinated into the world of Disney.
We made our first family trip in November of 1997.   To say it was a hit would be an understatement.  We had no more than exited the gates of the Magic Kingdom to return home when they kids and my wife where asking when could we go again.  If my wife and kids had their way, we would live at Disney World but being a middle-class family  that was not possible but in a brief moment of weakness I made the promise that we could go every 5 years.   You may notice that we might have gone a wee bit more.

This section of our site is devoted to our past and future
Disney Trips. We have included tips, tricks and items that might make it more pleasurable for you and yours. If you have ideas to share please let us know.

Our next Disney Trip will be December of 2021 for Disney World's 50th!

On the left is a list of our trips with the year taken and in what
order.   If you click on the link it will take you to a
page with detailed information on each trip. 
We hope you enjoy looking through our trips half as much as we did
taking the trip.

Magic Kingdom Castle