....Mac an Bhaird Brewery

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1st Tap Stout

Batch Size 5.0 gallons


9 lbs Pale Malt (domestic 2-row)

1.5 lbs Crystal 55L

0.5 lbs Roaseted Barley

.25 lbs Chocolate Malt

1 lbs. Flaked Barley


1 oz Wye Challenger 60min boil

.5 oz Willamette 15 min boi

.5 oz Willamette 0 min boil


White Labs WLP004 Irish Stout

Notes: As the name implies this was our 1st tap beer. It was the result of several brews which we bottled. This one went quick and now is a standard at the brewery. We still use priming sugar and wait the full time. We also bottle at least a six pack for scientific studies.